Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another Batch!

As I said, we are getting swamped with squash!  Tonight I'm going to fry it (last night I boiled it) with onions and some bacon for flavor.  I'll make the turnips as well.  It also looks like we have enough beans for a small batch - I haven't picked those yet.  It's already hot and sticky out there.  We have several jalapenos ready to pick as well.  Lots of tiny green peppers, too!  Our cucumbers are blooming away so I hope to see some of those forming soon!

Our snap peas just didn't make this year.  We moved the box they were in and apparently they didn't like the new spot.  Disappointing.

The pole beans are covered in blooms, but no baby beans on them yet.  Our spinach is overgrown.  It sure was tasty when it was younger!

Here is today's batch of squash and turnips.  There are a lot more out there that are just about ready to pick!  Maybe I'll freeze some this year!  There is nothing like fresh garden veggies in the fall and winter!

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