Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another Batch!

As I said, we are getting swamped with squash!  Tonight I'm going to fry it (last night I boiled it) with onions and some bacon for flavor.  I'll make the turnips as well.  It also looks like we have enough beans for a small batch - I haven't picked those yet.  It's already hot and sticky out there.  We have several jalapenos ready to pick as well.  Lots of tiny green peppers, too!  Our cucumbers are blooming away so I hope to see some of those forming soon!

Our snap peas just didn't make this year.  We moved the box they were in and apparently they didn't like the new spot.  Disappointing.

The pole beans are covered in blooms, but no baby beans on them yet.  Our spinach is overgrown.  It sure was tasty when it was younger!

Here is today's batch of squash and turnips.  There are a lot more out there that are just about ready to pick!  Maybe I'll freeze some this year!  There is nothing like fresh garden veggies in the fall and winter!

Friday, May 25, 2012


We have gotten some 8-ball zucchini squash and some yellow squash from the garden!


We have so many yellow squash coming in that we are going to be just swamped with it.  I'm actually excited about it! 

I made stuffed zucchini with the 8-ball zucchini and it was wonderful!  I will post the recipe and pictures as soon as I can.

Here is the garden on the 21st of May:

We have small bush beans ready soon as well!  I love it when the produce comes in!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This Garden Grows!

Boy, we are just really coming along!  We picked turnips last night!  I hope to make some tonight if I have time (we have an awards ceremony for daughter number 3 to go to tonight).  I'll take pictures of the turnps if I get the chance!  They are small bulbs, but that's they way I like them.  The bigger they get, the more bitter they become.

So here is the garden today:

The deck cherry tomatoes

crook neck squash - about 6 on this plant
our cucumbers are blooming!

see the zucchini?

bush beans - lots of blooms!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rain & Heat

We have had a lot of rain and heat this last week and my, what a difference!  The garden is just really zooming along!  Unfortunately for the garden, a cool front has now gone through and it's supposed to be in the 70's for the rest of the week.  The garden really wants the heat!

jalepenos - you cansee some growing on the bottom!
pole beans ... these could be doing better

Zucchini forming!  Cute little thing, isn't it??
Crook Neck Squash!
cucumbers - looking better

Monday, May 7, 2012

Doing Well!

The garden is growing along.  Hubby did a lot of work in it this weekend when I was out of town and we had some good rain on Friday.  He weeded, pulled the wire from around the strawberry bed (we had it up to keep the cats out).  He went and bought mulch but we haven't gotten it down yet.  He did put down Preen (preemergent product) which forms a gaseous barrier that weed seeds can't penetrate.  It's safe to use right up until harvest time.

We had run out of garden fabric and you can see weeds already coming up through the mulch - argh!

But the garden is just really going.  See the tomatoes in the back?  They went from growing like normal tomatoes to being jungle tomatoes!

This weekend I was up in Virginia visiting my folks.  My Dad's garden is pretty awesome, though they are behind us in weather so it's not all planted yet.  He's about ready to get his planted.  His garden is tiered in levels due to the slope of their yard, but it's pretty massive.

They have been getting alot of rain so it is been hard to get out and plant!  Soon, though!  Their asparagus is already done - their stalks are just gorgeous!  It will be years before ours gets to that point!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Garden Poem

My six year old wrote a poem about our garden.  She named the dog Clark so it would rhyme, even though we don't have a dog named Clark ...

It says:

I have a large garden.  It's in my back yard.
I work very quickly.  I work very hard.
My garden grows slowly.  I work until dark.
My dog barks so loudly.  My dog's name is Clark.
At night Clark will take charge.  Clark does his own part.
He watches my garden.  Clark is very smart.

I thought it was very good for a six year old!  And the fact that she was even thinking about the garden to write about it was pretty cool!